Our Maintenance contract would involve the following Services :
1 Part: Our Regular Pool cleaning involves (Daily Activity)
1. Suction Sweeping-removes settled dirt,cleans surfaces.Improves looks of Swimming Pool.
2. Removing floating leaves-not to allow them to settle. Prevent Organic build up.
3. Clean floors and ladders-cleans surfaces,prevent organic build up
4. Back washing of filters(daily) Removes Filtered Dirt from Sand filters.
5. Pool super chlorination(TM) - Removes builts up on organics.
2 Part- Regular Pool Maintenceance involves
1. Check and maintain pool filtration pumps & performances (weekly).
2. Back wash sand filters regularly (daily).
3. Check sand filtration pressures regularly (Daily)
4. Clean bucket filters regularly (15 days)
5. Check for performance of Dosing system (daily) if any
6. Check for pool balance regularly (separate topics incl) (3 months)
7. Check for Chlorine levels Regularly (daily) -Add chlorine
8. Check PH regularly (daily) - Add acid
If You required any further clarifications,please do feel free to contact us.
Thanking You & aasuring you of our best attention & services at all times.
Terms & Conditions :
Schedule : 1 day's time from the date of confirmation from vender to start the maintence.